(217) 698-7000
3149 Robbins Road
Springfield, IL 62704
The Capital Area REALTORS® is located at 3149 Robbins Road, Springfield, IL 62704. The facility includes offices, conference rooms, education and training facilities, and a real estate library. The building is wheelchair accessible and its regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The association is closed from time to time in observance of various holidays. If you are unsure about whether the office will be closed for a holiday, call 217-698-7000.
The association is an easy to find. Look for the brown brick "colonial" style building located on the soutwest corner of Wabash Avenue and Robbins Road. Situated on the other three corners are Marine Bank, Circuit City and Lowes.